…how we work has changed forever so it’s time to set new rules and guidelines.
Simple, but simple is not always easy
It may seem ludicrously obvious, but these schoolboy errors could be affecting your mood and impacting your health as well as the quality of your work on a far deeper level than you may realise.
The pandemic threw out routine and structure, as well as the daily commute and few of us, had time to really think about our new world and how to navigate this new way of co-hosting our professional lives from our kitchens or box rooms at home, whilst tripping up over the Lego!
We somehow ended up with a new norm and a way of living by default and ended up a little grumpier and a lot more anxious without really knowing why.
The answer may be simpler than you think and easier to fix than you may fear.
Whatever our circumstances are, be it the boss, employee, CEO or independent entrepreneur we have to take ownership of our physical and nutritional health to help protect our emotional and mental health.
We may not all be able to get a run in or do a HIT workout before we start our working day or prep a salad at lunchtime but there are some very simple habits we can introduce into our day to day life that can become as routine as brushing our teeth at night that will have great benefits to how we think, feel and behave on a daily basis.
Quite simply if we are not hydrated, it affects our blood flow and brain function. On the simplest level, we are not thinking as clearly and sharply as we would if hydrated.
If we don’t eat a varied diet to gain nutrients to nourish us it affects our emotions and mood. Not enough daylight? the same our mood is saddened, literally sad syndrome.
If we do not put a routine in and take control of our day it controls us and runs away from us taking us down a rabbit hole of endless emails and calls.
Calls, we need to chat, human beings need connection not just commands or requests. Conversation is how we really learn what is happening in each other’s lives, how the work project is going and what people actually need from us to complete tasks.
Finally move your body to shift your mindset, to take you out of frustration, anger, disappointment. Stretch your way out of stagnant thought to be creative with new thinking and solutions to take action.
1) The simplest, easiest health hack is to drink enough water. It helps with brain function, keeping your organs and blood flow hydrated—question ) how much is enough water? Answer ) what colour is your pee? The paler, the better. Ideally, you want a pale straw-like colour, if it’s dark drink more water. Pale pee is the name of the game.
2) Make a meal plan at the beginning of the week, ahead of your shopping list and shop to introduce as much colour and variety into your diet as you can. This will take the stress and faff out of your week. Eat a rainbow, a beetroot here with a slice of cheese, a tomato there, green pepper, carrot, celery, red apples. Always try to eat in colour.
Seek Out the Light
3 ) Try to find the brightest spot in your home, and set up your desk from there. If you can work near or under a window. If that’s not possible, switch the light on as soon as you start work, daylight bulbs are not pretty but they really do help.
Working in the dark should not be an acceptable part of living!
Look Ahead
4) Look ahead at your diary and try to visualise it as a functioning day and see it unfold in your mind and find where you can book in your lunch break and BLOCK OUT that time. Make it a non-negotiable, even if it’s 15 minutes take that break just for you to catch your breath.
5 )Call a colleague to simply ask how they are without an agenda, without a request from them. Do this purely for conversation and connection.
I know I said 5 but let’s make it a lucky 7!!
Stretch it out
6) take 5 minutes and take a stretch, take some gentle neck rolls, easy movements and then perhaps 20 jumping jacks if you feel like you really need to re-energise and get your circulation going. Set a timer for 5 minutes 3 times a day and decide which ones you need to do.
Put your feet up
7 ) put your feet up, everybody needs a rest.
No seriously, literally put your feet up, preferably up against a wall, play your favourite music, close your eyes and completely give in and relax for 15 minutes.
Having your legs raised helps calm your nervous system down and is a great way to introduce meditation into your life.
Happy hacking, stay connected, eat well in colour, keep your pee pale, plan your day, day jump around, stretch it out, seek out the light and put your feet up.
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Get in touch to find out more about our soulful sanctuary. Pour yourself a cup of herbal tea, relax and let’s chat about how you could welcome more space and love into your life.